About Founders

Dr. Rajnish Sharma
Dr. Rajnish Sharma, the visionary founder of Rajnish Hospital, hails from Triveni, a spiritual center located 9 kilometers from Shahpura. He completed his MBBS and MD in Medicine from SMS Medical College, Jaipur, and later served as its Vice President.
Driven by the profound belief “Nar Seva hi Narayan Seva,” which translates to “Serving Humanity is Serving God,” Dr. Rajnish embarked on his journey. He initiated his medical practice from a humble single room, driven by a vision to deliver high-quality healthcare with compassion to the underprivileged rural communities in Shahpura and its surroundings. During those times, residents often had to travel to Jaipur or Delhi for medical and surgical treatments, leading to increased suffering for patients and their families. Dr. Rajnish’s mission was to alleviate this hardship by bringing advanced medical facilities closer to those in need.
Dr. (Mrs.) Kanan Sharma
Dr. (Mrs.) Kanan Sharma, the wife and co-founder of Shahpura Hospital, completed her MBBS and MS in Obstetrics & Gynecology from SMS Medical College, Jaipur. Alongside Dr. Rajnish Sharma, she began her rural practice with a focus on providing healthcare services to areas where resources were scarce.
After gaining experience in the USA, Dr. Kanan Sharma returned to India and dedicated herself to serving rural mothers. She emphasized the hospital’s commitment to excellence in medical services, starting from primary healthcare and now extending to tertiary healthcare services. Their goal is to provide high-quality medical care at an affordable cost, aiming to alleviate financial constraints for the local rural population. Dr. Kanan Sharma’s dedication reflects the hospital’s ethos of prioritizing patient well-being and access to healthcare services.