


The pharmacy at our hospital plays a critical role in providing pharmaceutical care to our patients. With an average of 250 inpatients daily, our pharmacy team, comprising pharmacists and support personnel, works tirelessly to ensure patients receive the highest quality medications and surgical materials promptly.

At Rajnish Hospital, our pharmacy is well-stocked with a wide range of medications, including major and rare drugs, to meet diverse medical needs. Our stringent quality control processes guarantee the safety and efficacy of all dispensed medications. We manage our drug inventory efficiently to prevent any stock-outs and ensure continuous availability of essential medications.

Patients and their relatives benefit from easy accessibility to required drugs at all times, thanks to our well-equipped pharmacy.

It’s important to note that medications are dispensed strictly based on valid prescriptions from doctors, with the exception of over-the-counter medications.

Our pharmacy team operates round the clock to provide seamless pharmaceutical services, working in collaboration with healthcare providers to optimize patient care outcomes. We prioritize patient safety, medication accuracy, and adherence to professional standards, making Rajnish Hospital’s pharmacy a trusted resource for pharmaceutical needs within our healthcare ecosystem.